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to the
therapy office and
medicine lodge for Miriam Lieberman, MA, LPCS!
Drumsong Newsletters
The name Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul came to
me in a dream years ago before building a home and office here. I
knew it was a significant dream and took note immediately. This is
precisely what the land here fosters, the ability to take note of
what is significant and essential in life and build on that. I work
with people to heal what no longer serves them so they can devote
their attention to what they wish to do with their lives. Like the
forest, our lives are often cluttered with dead wood and debris that
needs to be cleared out. |
We can do
this ceremoniously by choice or we can be taken by storm
with a lightening strike that blazes before us. The land
here serves as a place to learn how to work with nature,
including our own, rather than against it.
Drumsong Sanctuary is located on a wooded ten-acre lot within a 250
acre corridor of minimally developed land. It is a 15 minute stroll
from the Haw River, in the southwest corner of Orange County, North
Carolina. |
This is precisely what the land here
fosters, the ability to take note of what is
significant and essential in life and build
on that. I work with people to heal what no
longer serves them so they can devote their
attention to what they wish to do with their
lives. |
is a 20 minute drive through the countryside from Chapel
Hill, Hillsborough and Mebane respectively. From Durham
or Pittsboro (depending upon which end and route taken)
it is a thirty or forty minute drive; and just under an
hour from Raleigh.

Listen to a Recent Interview with Miriam (mp3)
I have always felt that reconnecting to nature is an important part
of the healing process for people with our fast paced, over extended
and fragmented lifestyles. For this reason I have maintained a
private office with close proximity to the natural world where we
can tangibly feel our roots, look out the window at the
hummingbirds, gardens in bloom, or fall leaves fluttering by. For
some, the inner work may even take place outside. Children often
benefit from strolls in the woods while working on their issues for
example. Many a bereaved person has found solace, grounding and
support sitting at the base of one of the grand beech trees found on
the land. In this private setting freedom of expression is
encouraged and aided by the non-judgmental spaciousness and comfort
of the natural world. Time seems to be altered when we allow the
beauty of nature to hold us in her healing embrace.
On the land here we have a sweat lodge, women’s moon lodge, medicine
wheel and fire circle for ceremony and drumming.
See Pictures There is a creek
that meanders through the ten acres and
walking trails. The
perennial gardens are in their glory through spring and summer
attracting songbirds and butterflies. Deer may cross your path while
approaching, please drive slowly.
Sometimes we hold healing retreats here for people to come together
on the land in ceremony, workshops, and gatherings all pitching in
to create and experience a healing community. This rejuvenation,
fresh perspective, and deep connection is then carried out into our
lives and larger communities.
Feel free to call Miriam Lieberman, MA, LPCS for an appointment for
counseling, to request a ceremony, or to attend one of the group
healings or ceremonies here at Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul.
(919) 304-5754 or email me at
melieber@mebtel.net |

This circle is
currently full but there is a wait list for anyone
interested should shifting occur. Do let me know of your
interest. If enough people are interested perhaps a
second group could form.
Spirit has been whispering in my ear for a bit now to
start another circle that meets on a regular basis
(bi-weekly for starters) to deepen our relationship with
our guides and helpers, to heal ourselves , to dream to
the sacred beat of the drum, to share wisdom teachings
and step out of the frenetic pace of life, to be
authentic clear channels for spirit. I am proposing some
dates (alternate Monday evenings beginning on All Souls
Day). Once a group is formed we can decide together if
these dates and times will work or need to be changed. I
will be sharing teachings from the elders I have had the
privilege to sit with, from my fifteen years of annual
pilgrimage to vision quest in sacred community (as
quester and supporter) and as one whose life purpose it
is to serve and feed the people on this path with heart.
I invite you to bring your wisdom teachings, healing
gifts and spirit of love. The drums are calling to be
played and for their medicine to be shared in the
service of humanity.
If you too feel this
call, please let me know your intentions, needs, desires
and willingness to commit to holding sacred space
together. I can be reached at 919 304-5754 or 919
A suggested donation for the holding
of the space and facilitation of the circle: $ 25.00.
As always the amount of your gift is between you and
Home |
Group Healing |
Links | Integral
Counseling Services | Newsletter & Calendar |
Contact |
gratitude to David Gellatly for the rights to use his
photos. Go to
http://davidgellatly.smugmug.com/ to view his
galleries or call him at 919 304-5754 to reserve a time
for a family photo session.
©Contents Copyright Miriam Lieberman
for the Soul
1920 Western Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
(919) 304-5754
Pay using PayPal

Calendar of Events 2021 |
Day of the Dead Fire
Ceremony Saturday
Come bring your inspiration or find some here for
yourself. The fire is where we lay down our fears and
excuses and take responsibility for what we are willing
and able to do to make this world a better place right
now! Take strength, courage, love, light, growth,
resilience, clarity, innocence, playfulness, and joy
away with you. You will have the opportunity to release
beliefs, grief, feelings, thoughts, relationships or
anything else that is hampering your ability to be fully
and completely who you are by offering them to the fire.
We will witness each other as we make new agreements
with spirit and dream our lives into being. We will feed
the holies and ask their assistance in co-creating
ourselves, our thoughts and our lives as we wish them to
be. If your health and circumstance permit you to stay
for the entire ceremony we appreciate that greatly and
it is always ok to take care of yourself and your
children so please plan accordingly. This is not about
rules or permission, it is about respecting ourselves
and others,witnessing and being witnessed in sacred
community. The choice is yours! Fire ceremonies are a
community ceremony so rsvp's are requested by dates
listed. If we do not know people are coming they are
subject to cancellation. During the cooler months, if
the weather does not permit an outdoor fire the ceremony
will be indoors, so rain or shine (unless the weather is
unsafe for people to be on the road). Call my cell phone
for last minute weather updates or info: 919 618-4919
Bring a chair, flashlight, drum, rattle, closed
water bottle and dress for outdoors (if super cold or
heavy rain we'll be indoors by the woodstove). Feel free
to bring some healthy food to share if you are so moved.
If you are drawn to be here please call or email Miriam
at (919) 304-5754 or
so I’ll know how many people to expect and give you
directions if needed. Come prepared for both indoor and
outdoor conditions weather depending. I invite all women
to wear a skirt or sarong over pants to honor our sacred
grandmothers and the circle of life. There is never a
fee for ceremony but Gifting is appropriate and
appreciated to support the life and work of the elders
who dedicate their lives to keeping the old ways
available and for wood and supplies needed for ceremony
and the upkeep of the land.
The Shamanic Teaching circle meets on a
regular basis (bi-weekly) to deepen our relationship
with our guides and helpers, to heal ourselves, to dream
to the sacred beat of the drum, to share wisdom
teachings and step out of the frenetic pace of life, to
be authentic clear channels for spirit. I will be
sharing teachings from the elders I have had the
privilege to sit with, from my fifteen years of annual
pilgrimage to vision quest in sacred community (as
quester and supporter) and as one whose life purpose it
is to serve and feed the people on this path with heart.
I invite you to bring your wisdom teachings, healing
gifts and spirit of love. The drums are calling to be
played and for their medicine to be shared in the
service of humanity.
If you too feel this call,
please let me know your intentions, needs, desires and
willingness to commit to holding sacred space together.
I can be reached at 919 304-5754 or 919 618-4919.
A suggested donation for the holding of the space
and facilitation of the circle: $20.00-25.00. As always
the amount of your gift is between you and spirit as we
do not charge for ceremony itself.
Little Boys and Girls Sweat
Lodge ( Will
resume when it is deemed safe to do so, sad times
indeed) Workday: When that day comes we will rebuild
our sacred lodge space The lodge is poured by Miriam
/ Firebird in the tradition passed down to me by my
beloved Elder Sharon Mitchell. This is a beautiful
teaching lodge that has the strength and heat for those
with experience and the gentleness and ease for those
who will join us for the first time (which is how it
came to be known as the Little Boys and Girls Lodge). It
is not a lodge specifically for children as some have
asked, but supervised children are welcome to attend
ceremonies here unless otherwise specified. Please
notify me if spirit is calling you to join us, so I can
let you know how to prepare and know how many people are
coming. Please know that we need at least 8 people to
pour a lodge due to all the preparations involved so let
us know if you would like to join us in ceremony.
People always ask me "how long does a sweat lodge
take?" My first thought is how much we need these
ceremonies to take us back to soul time where it is the
experience, the prayers, the being together in
community, the work as worship that really matter and
not the construct of time that we are forced to run our
lives by. I have learned for myself to not schedule
anything else on lodge days as I step outside of "time"
to be present to what is, the stones, the fire, the
people and their prayers, the feast and then basking in
the richness afterwards. Please take care of yourselves
however you need to with "time". You are welcome to join
us for the time you can be with us and if you need to
leave due to other commitments that is yours to keep
track of. My wish for you is that you can be timeless
with us and sink into the ceremony as it unfolds
organically. If for some reason you need to leave during
the lodge please be sure to let me and/or the firekeeper
know ahead of time.
We usually light the fire
around 9 am and close the ceremony with a feast in the
afternoon after cleaning up the ceremonial grounds. It
is tradition to leave a place better than you found it.
Please bring a dish to share for the feast following the
Workdays : I'm looking forward to hearing
from those of you who want to build this community, be
you newcomers, or those who have been here often to
share in the love of lodge from beginning to end. We can
always use help with gathering or purchasing, and
splitting and moving wood, raking, moving blankets, etc.
We are in need of stone people if you can bring some
stones that have not been in an active creek bed
(cantalope size) If you have a truck and/or chain saw
and want to help gather some wood between lodges please
let me know so we can find times to work together, it is
an ongoing need. The preparations are part of the
ceremony and are a labor of love and communion with the
land, the tall standing ones, the stone people, mother
earth, the water and help deepen one’s experience of the
ceremony as we joyfully prepare the grounds together.
Contact Miriam/Firebird at 919 304-5754 or
melieber@mebtel.net if you are called to attend. Please
RSVP with contact info if you would like to join us. I
will let you know what to bring, how to find us and how
to best prepare once I know you are coming. Feel free to
call with any questions as well. Checking in the day
before lodge to verify last minute information or
changes due to weather, illness or attendance is
strongly encouraged as we have to have a certain number
of people to hold this particular ceremony.
This list is by voluntary sign up. If you choose
to unsubscribe you may do so at the bottom. Thanks for
reading this far. You and your friends are free to join
this list and come to Drumsong but I request that you
NOT POST events and ceremonies to Facebook or other
social media. I prefer to be a local resource here in
our area. I appreciate your honoring this request.
Thanks for reading! Remember who you are, what you
came here to do and have fun sharing your gifts with us
all ! Shine your light brightly with love and gratitude.